Okay, so, I just realised I lied the other day when I said I was going to post a picture of the destination I was willing to endure an awful traffic jam for.
I've finally come good on my promise, and here it is. Honestly, it's not the best photograph of Bellingen, NSW, that I have on file, but I'm simply afraid to post a picture of this beautiful place in case too many people discover its perfection...
Bellingen is a town of about 2700 people in the hinterland on the central north coast of New South Wales. The reason Mr Moi and I are drawn there on so many occasions is because it's the town in which my brother, his wife, their daughter and their one on the way live.
Bellingen is one of Australia's most beautiful country towns. To prove this point, consider this - when flying to Brisbane from Sydney along the drought-gripped Australian coastline a few years back, I knew when we were flying over Bellingen because it was the only landscape that was green.
Bellingen is set in rolling green hills at the base of the Great Dividing Range. About 45 kms from Bellingen lies the township of Dorrigo, which is hundreds of metres higher than Bello. This means that the town is almost completely surrounded by striking, mysterious mountains, and yet is only 15 minutes drive from miles of secluded beaches.
Here are some other drawcards: outside of Bellingen is a remote area called 'The Promised Land', where the pianist, David Helfgott lives. Through the Promised Land runs 'Never Never Creek'. Add to this that hardly any traffic ever graces the backgrounds of this patch of bush, and you have paradise.
The above photo was taken in May 2004. The white dot you can see in the distance is Mr Moi riding off on his bicycle.
Ahhh, Bellingen. Maybe one day, when I'm in a less secretive mood, I'll post a better picture for you all...